Heartbreak upon Heartbreak


"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."      Psalm 34:18


This will be a pretty brief post. I just wanted to give everyone an update on Ann/Mom/Nanny. I realized the last post I asked for prayer for the MRI that was supposed to happen last Thursday, June 8. I have posted a few updates on Facebook but not everyone is on FB.

A week ago today my Dad called the paramedics because Mom was not doing well at all. A MRI of her abdomen revealed a perforation in her colon and emergency surgery was performed Monday afternoon. Mom came through surgery well but her post-op recovery was very slow going. It has been a roller coaster this past week seeing incremental progress followed by concerning setbacks. Yesterday Dad was encouraged because Mom was eating broth and Italian ices. She was more alert and conversational than she had been in days.

Then her heart rate became elevated (from 70 to 120) and her medical team couldn't identify the source of the problem. A CT Scan either last night or this morning revealed that there is an abscess in Mom's colon and the perforation has become a hole. Ugh.... Her weakened condition and her low platelet count make surgery ill-advised and yet this situation must be addressed.

I am asking that you would please pray that Mom's platelet count can be raised (transfusions??) and that she would be strong enough to withstand surgery and the recovery process. Please pray for my Dad. I am heartbroken seeing how this is wrecking him. His beloved soulmate/wife/best friend is suffering and declining. And for us (my siblings and the entire family) to be strengthened and comforted in a time of such sadness and uncertainty. 

What provides me solace in the face of things that don't seem fair or good is trusting in what I know of our Heavenly Father's character. He is good. He is compassionate. He is attentive to our prayers. He is perfectly wise. He is love. And.... He is close to the brokenhearted and those who's souls are crushed with sorrow.

With a heavy but hopeful heart,

"He (God) will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4


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