In My Father’s House


"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

John 14:1 - 3

Ann Patricia Rupp
May 13, 1946 - July 20, 2023

In my Father's house.... these are the verses my dad chose for mom when the time comes to have her memorial service. Honestly, I feel sort of numb. Like it's not really real. Yet I know that when I go to visit mom and dad, my mother will not be there.
This is how I think of mom.

Ann/mom was most definitely the heart of her home. She always had the warmest smile, the most welcoming demeanor. She wanted her family and friends to feel embraced and comfortable; loved and fed. Nourished body and soul. She had a very generous spirit. She loved giving gifts even on a day (like Mother's Day) when the day was meant to celebrate her. That's just how gracious she was. I can't even imagine there was a person who knew my mom that didn't like/love her.

In My Father's house... these Bible verses aren't "pie in the sky". They are an assurance that in Christ we are adopted into an eternal family. This life isn't all there is. Ann/mom is more fully alive now than ever before. Perfected and whole. My daughter, Allison sent me a text as I drafted this post. She posed the thought: "I wonder if dad and nanny have greeted each other yet." Oh my... I hadn't even pondered this. How precious to consider that as mom took her last breath here, Jesus embraced her and there were family and friends (certainly Roger) who greeted her with great joy and affection.

So many happy memories

And now, dad, our family and mom and dad's many friends are in a time of mourning her departure. Of reorienting our lives. I ask for your prayers for comfort, strength, wisdom, direction, provision and more. Thank you for accompanying me on this "journey" for Annie's Song. It has meant more than words can express to receive words of encouragement and comfort. For many who supported my parents emotionally and financially. Each of you made this road less bumpy and daunting. Thank you.

A sand sculpture Ann’s “bestie” Penny had created in mom’s honor. 🥰

Finally, a few weeks ago my dad played a song by John Denver for me entitled: "For You". I tried and tried (and tried 😢) to upload the link from YouTube unsuccessfully. It is a beautiful song and captures the love my dad has for my beloved mom. It will bless you if you choose to check it out on YouTube. (Have a hankie ready.) Actually, when I uploaded the post the link works. Yippee skippee!!! 💝

Love, Terrie

YouTube: John Denver ~ For You


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