Love Is...

 "Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast,

it is not proud. It does not dishonor

others, it is not self-seeking, it is not

easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices 

with the truth. It always protects, always

trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

1Corinthians 13:4-7

With Mom last Monday, Valentine's Day "Eve".

February is known for a number of things. It has the distinction of being the shortest month. We celebrate two of our most illustrious presidents this month (and many have a coveted 3-day weekend). Since my parents are devoted football fans, the Super Bowl is yet another highlight in February. However, I would guess that Valentine's Day is likely what comes to mind when you think of February: flowers, candy, cards, prix-fixe menus at fancy restaurants and such.

There can be quite a lot of hype and expectations [met and unmet] that accompany a romantic holiday like Valentine's Day. As beautiful as flowers are, they only last a week or so. The romantic dinner ~ maybe a few hours. However, what is enduring and inspiring is sacrificial, unconditional love. This is the love I have witnessed between my mom and dad. Their mutual commitment to care for one another in the really difficult seasons of life has deeply touched me. But in almost fifty-four years of marriage there is one hallmark characteristic of their relationship. 

If you asked their family and friends: "How would you describe Joe and Ann's relationship?" I would venture to say the response would be something like: "They are each other's very best friend." (They really like one another.) 😃 This is a pretty cool legacy.

Last Monday, my friend Kelly and I spent the day in Orange County. Kelly had been wanting to visit mom and dad for several months and we finally planned for Monday. Mom loves flowers so I brought her an azalea for a little Valentine's gift. Ann is all about holidays and making them special for her family. It was a joy to do a little something to bless her.

Cute little garden sign.

On a previous visit, Kelly had mentioned to my dad how much she liked staghorn ferns. Dad had one to give her when we visited. Love is kind & thoughtful...

Dad gave Kelly, my bestie a beautiful staghorn fern.

One of the gorgeous floral arrangements at Roger's Gardens. (It was definitely not in my budget so I took a picture instead. 😍)

It was such a blessing to spend a few hours with mom and dad. I am grateful to have such loving parents.

  • Mom had her procedure almost two weeks ago to hopefully restore bladder function. The procedure went well but mom is still experiencing a significant amount of pain/discomfort. A doctor's appointment has been scheduled for tomorrow. Please pray for answers regarding the cause of mom's pain.
  • Mom is due for an MRI, which will probably be scheduled within a week or so. Prayers that there has been no progression of GBM.
  • Continued prayers for financial provision for caregiving.

With a very grateful heart,


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