It IS a Happy New Year!

"For I know the plans I have for you," 

declares the LORD, "plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give

you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11  

Mom & me

So, 2023 is off to a wonderful start! California is getting much needed rain showers and our heavenly Father is showering mom and our family with blessings as well. In the last blogpost I mentioned that Ann likely wouldn't be able to meet with Dr. Kim until mid-January to review her most recent MRI's. Thankfully, Elizabeth (Dr. Kim's surgical coordinator) called mom and dad yesterday to ask if they were available this morning for an appointment.

Dr. Kim told Ann that there has been no change from her MRI in late October. ~ Cue the happy dance!!! He said she is experiencing the 'best case scenario' because Temodar (the oral chemo she takes one week per month) is keeping the cancer from progressing. Such fantastic news and a great way to begin the new year. Amen?

Today marks six months exactly since Ann was diagnosed with GBM. I am exceedingly grateful for the news she and my dad received today. (A big, big sigh of relief for this daughter.😊) I am so very proud of the woman my mom is. She is the consummate optimist and she is undaunted by challenges. I believe these qualities coupled with God's mercy and His healing [in answer to lots & lots & lots of prayers] have been instrumental in mom's life these past six months. I am also very proud of my dad, Joe who has experienced the gamut of emotions since July 4th, been through the proverbial wringer and has been such a good husband to my mom.

Thank you for your prayers because they have availed much. Keep them coming!


  • Ann will be having a procedure likely later this month that will hopefully help her bladder begin to function normally again. Please pray for the timing of this surgery and for her bladder to heal over the next 3 months or so. This would be a huge blessing!
  • Ann continues to grow stronger every week as she meets with her physical therapist and relies less on her caregivers for assistance.
Prayer Requests:
  • For Temodar to continue to do its work and keep the cancer from progressing.
  • For financial provision for caregivers as long as Ann needs their assistance.
(Thank you!)

"Now to Him who is able to do

far more abundantly than all that

we ask or think, according to the power

at work within us, to Him be glory in the

church and in Christ Jesus throughout all

generations, forever and ever. Amen."

Ephesians 3:20

With love & a grateful heart,


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