Homecoming Day!


"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

1 Peter 5:7

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Matthew 6:34

This playful photo captures my parent's personalities 😊

Today marks 54 looooong days since mom was taken by ambulance to Mission Hospital. But tomorrow is "Homecoming Day"! Woo Hoo!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ The hospital bed was delivered today. Mom and dad's good friend, Susan brought over supplies that will be helpful to dad in caring for my mom. After mom is transported home tomorrow morning a nurse will train my dad in the care that mom will require. Our hope is that a caregiver will be able to start providing 24/7 care beginning September 1st. (The GoFundMe has been an absolute blessing and has provided some much needed peace of mind financially for the next several months.)

I have been reflecting on the up's and down's our family (and friends) have experienced since July 4th when mom was diagnosed with GBM. Pastor Rick Warren did a radio interview several years ago that I happened to hear. During this interview he used the illustration of the two tracks that a train travels on. He said that one track represented joy and the other track represented sorrow/suffering. He explained that he preferred this analogy to the idea of life having peaks (happy times) and valleys (sad times). Because in our lives we typically experience aspects that contain joy as well as sorrow. The ratios vary quite a lot from season to season in life ~ but our lives are never really 100% happy or 100% sad. Right?

As I considered what life has looked like these past several weeks, Rick Warren's words came to mind. Even when it has felt like the sorrow "track" was at 90 - 99% sorrow/suffering, there is still an element of joy. Something redemptive and hopeful and good has been present: Offers for help, kind texts and phone calls, a yummy sushi dinner, answers to prayer, "God smooches", gifts to make mom more comfy cozy and so much more. What a blessing!

I πŸ’— this "visual" of hope.

  • Well, actually... You are pretty much up to date. πŸ˜‰
  • Although: It is noteworthy that Ann has completed 20 radiation treatments. 13 more to go.
Prayer Requests:
  • For this big transition back home. That both mom and dad will do well and that dad will have some support in the interim while we wait to get a caregiver in place.
  • That the caregiver we selected will be able to start on or before September 1st.
  • For mom to tolerate radiation and chemo. It is beginning to take more of a toll on her physically and mentally.
  • For provision for all the financial needs in the coming weeks/months.
I am grateful that in the midst of ALL that has been so very, very hard, there have been [and I am confident will continue to be] joy/goodness.

With love,


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