Christmas and Family
"A Christmas Carol" by Christina Rosetti The Shepherds had an Angel, The Wise Men had a star, But what have I, a little child, To guide me home from far, Where glad stars sing together And singing angels are? Those Shepherds through the lonely night Sat watching by their sheep. Until they saw the heavenly host Who neither tire nor sleep. All singing, "Glory, glory," In festival they keep. The Wise Men left their country To journey morn by morn, With gold and frankincense and myrrh, Because the Lord was born: God sent a star to guide them And sent a dream to warn. My life is like their journey, Their star is like God's book; I must be like those good Wise Men With heavenward heart and look: But shall I give no gifts to God? - What precious gifts they took! Mom and Dad on Christmas Day 💝 My heart is filled with gratitude. It's been just shy of six months since Ann's cancer journey began. As the photo above captures so beautifully: mom is doing great an