A Foggy Morning
"Living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It is literally a life of faith...a life of knowing Him who calls us to go." Oswald Chambers Mom and Dad at dinner on Tuesday evening. 😊 On the drive to church a couple Sunday mornings ago, I hit a stretch of road where the fog reduced visibility to maybe 20 feet or so. I don't encounter dense fog very often and it was disconcerting, almost disorienting, because the fog obscured points of reference: street signs and intersections; traffic in front and behind. It occurred to me that fog is a fitting analogy to the journey my Mom, Dad and our family have been on these past ten months. We may not have been confronted with literal fog, and yet the path in front of us has most often been shrouded in mystery: Has GBM been arrested? What will the next month bring? Will there be finances to continue providing the caregiving Mom requires? I have men